
With the best of breed technology and equipment, we deliver powerful UK Dedicated Server Hosting and UK VPS Server Hosting solutions at amazing prices. We offer ultimate web hosting experience to all range of clients. All of our UK Dedicated Server is hosted on state of the art data centre, we only use advanced technology and infrastructure to deliver supreme quality at all times. Each and every dedicated server is highly customizable. We allow complete management of any dedicated server in the world for just low cost. With 100% guaranteed uptime on network and power and core infrastructure, on-site outstanding support whenever you demand it, and versatile solutions suited to your requirements, UK Dedicated Server Hosting package is tailored to help your business realize its potential.

Name Processor RAM Harddisk Bandwidth IP Location Monthly Price
UK Dedicated - DSX1No Additional IPNo Additional BandwidthLondon, UK$89.00
UK Dedicated - DSX2No Additional IPNo Additional BandwidthLondon, UK$99.00
UK Dedicated - DSX3No Additional IPNo Additional BandwidthLondon, UK$130.00
UK Dedicated - DSX4No Additional IPNo Additional BandwidthLondon, UK$300.00
UK Dedicated - DSX5No Additional IPNo Additional BandwidthLondon, UK$300.00

UK VPS Server Hosting holds the qualities of both dedicated and shared hosting focusing on your critical data privacy with complete security solutions. This VPS server comprises processors, memory, disk space and other storage and network capabilities with the great solution by action ac and also an expandable feature where you can customize based on your needs. Our custom plan offers up to 4 Core, up to 16 GB RAM, up to 300 GB HDD at only $11 per month.

We use KVM to build a virtual machine which offers you complete control over your server. Furthermore, you can also optimize your server performance with a free consultation from our outstanding team of engineers. With our immense hosting features and excellent proactive support, you can surely run your business without any downtime.

Our team of design and hosting ninjas is available all day and night, contactable via phone, e-mail, live chat and ticket support. All queries are dealt with priority.