Linux Shared Hosting has become very popular in the last few years and with good reason. Linux Shared Hosting offers you complete control over your hosting environment, the ability to build your site with whichever technologies you prefer, and most importantly, excellent security that will keep your website up and running even if your site becomes extremely popular overnight or gets hacked. In this article, we’ll talk about why using Linux Shared Hosting on Onlive Server is such a great option for growing businesses that need more power from their web hosting solutions.
What Is Linux Hosting?
When it comes to choosing a web host, most people don’t think about Linux hosting at all. For some reason, they don’t consider it. They just stay with their current provider. This is not good because there are lots of advantages that only you can enjoy when you choose Onlive Server for your Linux web hosting. It’s really easy to set up new sites on our system; we even provide excellent tools for site management and security. But, beyond these simple benefits, there are others that make Onlive Server one of the best choices available today.
Why Should Choose Linux Web Hosting?
Linux hosting is a great alternative to using, but it can seem a little intimidating at first. We’ll try to break it down for you so that you have an idea of what kind of experience you can expect when choosing Onlive Server as your web host. Linux web hosting works much in the same way that Windows hosting does, but instead of accessing files through Microsoft’s proprietary operating system, clients access them through Linux. This means that developers are free to use whichever programming language they feel best suits their needs. That is the reason you should choose Linux shared hosting for your business.
[plan_sheet category=”Linux Web Hosting” col_name_1=”Data Center” col_name_2=” Plan/Cores/RAM/Space/Bandwidth/Hypervisor” col_name_3=”Operating System” col_name_4=”Monthly” col_name_5=”Action”]What Are The Advantages Of Using Linux Web Hosting?
If you are having a website where you have to want heavy web traffic then using Linux Shared Hosting that is one of the best solutions. It is available on Onlive Server at a very low price. There will be many things like your questions, doubts, and problems related to your website and hosting service too. Then don’t worry; we will provide 24/7 customer support services that will help you with all kinds of issues. Moreover, we always try to resolve clients’ issues as fast as possible and soon after their request they will get a reply from our side.
Linux Shared Hosting is a Great Option for Building Your Website
Linux reseller hosting is definitely one of your best options if you are looking for affordable web hosting. But what exactly makes it so popular? After all, there are so many other inexpensive alternatives out there, including Windows shared hosting or cloud hosting. The answer to that question lies in Linux reseller hosting strengths, which include excellent reliability and security. To get a better idea of these benefits, read on for our top five reasons to choose Linux reseller hosting over Windows hosting!
Choosing the right hosting solution for your business website can be a difficult task. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration like server location, features, cost, and so on. In this article, we have provided you with a short guide to help you decide whether Linux shared hosting from Onlive Server is best for your business website. If you would like to know more about our hosting solutions or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us today via phone or